I didn’t go out this morning as I had some things to take care of at home. Checking eBird I noticed someone had 2 Red-necked Stints at Latkrabang. Since I haven’t seen them this year in Bangkok I thought I’d give it a go.
Got there at 14:30 and the muddy field was full of little peeps. Loads of Little Ringed-Plovers, Long-toed Stints and Temminck’s Stint but no Red-necked.
The field was very large so I thought I’d walk on a narrow bund for a bit. Scanning with my KOWA TSN 88 Prominar I suddenly saw something that caught my attention.
I had seen several Oriental Pratincoles in my search for the stint but these two birds had slightly pinkish chests and strong eye ring.
Could it really be what I started to think? Yes, Small Pratincoles on the mud resting in the scorching sun!
Not only a first for my Bangkok list but a first for Bangkok period!
My friend Sam Hambly also arrived in time to approach the birds a bit closer and he was as happy as I was and said 'a lot better then Red-necked Stints!"
PS. When Sam rechecked later on the birds were not found.
The season is drawing closer towards its end. Soon this enigmatic and unique creature will head towards Eastern Siberia and its breeding grounds. How long can it hold on to the pressures of loss of suitable 'refueling' habitat during its long flight? Can it find suitable breeding habitat? Will it find a mate? Can it survive another season of villagers in Bangladesh harvesting shorebirds for staple? Don't we all wish him sucess? This season I have had a high count of 8 individuals at Bak Taley, Petburi. The birds have proven quite easy to spot. Or perhaps I am getting sharper in my 'spotting skills'? Either way, when one is found and I see the joy in the face of the visiting birder, I can sense the awe and almost europhic relationship that exist between birders and this very special bird. The birds are never easy to approach very close on foot and seldom do one have a chance to use the car as a cover. This bird was pretty accommodating though and I managed a few shot...