They say the secret to patience is to stay busy while you are waiting. Well, I have waited for years to have an opportunity to see the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, never having been in an area where it is found here in Thailand. So, on the 13th of Dec Nick Upton reported one at Mae Ping not too far from Chiang Mai. A number of people quickly went to see it but I had to wait till 2 days before the end of the year when I spent an afternoon and a morning without finding it. So, after my fun trip with Peter Sharland​ and his wife Jenny I decided to give it another try. This afternoon I arrived at the area for the bird at 3:45. It was dead quiet and hot. A few birds started vocalizing and I could tell Grey-headed Parakeets, Common Flameback, Lineated Barbet, Hooded Oriole were around........then I heard the strident call of the Rufous-bellied WP. Quite similar to Greater Flameback. I moved towards the bird but must have scared it off as it quickly started calling f...