It was a normal weekday when we visited the park but an incredible amount of traffic. Apparently the area has been popularized in recent years and the Thai middle class love to go for family outings in their nice vehicle to take in the scenery, cool weather, fresh vegetables and lovely sunrise/sunset.
Pied Bushchat was common along the roadside.
While photographing the Nepal House Martins I heard a little whistle. Not knowing what it was I tried some playback of the song of Jerdon's Bushchat. Out it popped!
This is a hard bird to find in Thailand and a nice find.
A raptor was perched in a dead tree but I didn't pay enough attention to it. It wasn't until I checked the images that I realized it was an Amur Falcon. Another rare bird!
Inside the park we came across some birds
familiar from Northern Thailand. PHRK is
part of the lower Northern Thailand and not
really a place I bird very much. Here is the
Blue-winged Minla with a very dark eye.
Perhaps a feature of the local population
here? Normally the iris is white.
Rufous-winged Fulvettas love to forage moss laden branches in search of bugs. I didn't realize they were on this mountain so a nice surprise.
We were birding at 1200-1600m and saw these birds several times.
A flock of White-eyes flew swiftly by!
White Wagtail