For some reason I tend to neglect my blog. I think it is because I find the software not user friendly enough. The text is hard to place and so are the pictures. Since I last posted I have been to both Sweden for a month and parts of Indonesia. Now is the rainy season and a good time to take care of other matters before the dry season begin and birding starts up again. Anyway, I was out yesterday visiting some wet lands. Joe Gilmour from Australia was on a business trip to Europe. He took his son with him as it was school break. On the way back they passed through Bangkok. He asked his son what he wanted to do. 'Birding' was the reply. We spent half a day in wetlands and saw 68 species of birds. Not bad for wet season. Best of all, we beat the rains! Good to be out again! Male Common Kingfisher always is a treat. ...
All comments are welcome as this serve to inspire me to keep posting. For more from me