1. Cattle Egret – many seen on route on Bohol
2. Little Egret – a few in fields
3. Philippine Serpend Eagle – one seen well at RS, both in flight and perched
4. White-breasted Waterhen – a group at Panglao
5. Whiskered Tern – many at Tagbilaran
6. Rock Pigeon
7. Zebra Dove – here and there
8. Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove – a pair of this endemic bird was seen at RS
9. White-eared Brown Dove – endemic, heard frequently at RS
10. Philippine Coucal – heard frequently at Panglao and seen at RS
12. Black-faced Coucal – endemic, one bird seen along forest trail at RS
13. Philippine Nightjar – heard on two nights, seen once at Panglao
14. Philippine Frogmouth – one on a nest over the road at RS
15. House Swift – 1 seen at Mountain View, Cebu
16. Glossy Swiftlet – common
17. Pygmy Swiftlet – 2 seen at Chocolate Hills, endemic
18. Uniform Swiftlet – 1 seen at Manila airport (or was it Glossy?)
19. Philippine Trogon – male and female seen at RS
20. Silvery Kingfisher – endemic, a pair seen well at RS
21. Collared Kingfisher – a few
22. Azure-breasted Pitta – 2 birds seen on different occasions at RS, endemic
23. Hooded Pitta – heard at Panglao
24. Pacific Swallow – common
25. Striated Swallow – one seen at Chocolate Hills
26. Eastern Yellow Wagtail – many at a paddyfield Bohol
27. Pied Triller – a pair at Panglao
28. Philippine Bulbul – seen at all locations
29. Yellow-vented Bulbul – common in suitablehabitat
30. Oriental Magpie Robin – common in gardens and parks
31. Pied Fantail – a few at Mountain View, Cebu
32. Grey-streaked Flycatcher, 1 at Panglao, 1 at Mountain View, Cebu
33. Golden-bellied Gerygone – 1 at Balicasaq island
34. Olive-backed Sunbird – common
35. Rufous-fronted Tailorbird – sadly only heard
36. Yellow-bellied Whistler – only heard
37. Philippine Warbler – only heard
38. Red-striped Flowerpecker – fairly common flowerpecker
39. Black-naped Oriole – 1 at Panglao
40. Spangled Drongo – many at RS (this bird seemed quite different from the ones I have seen elsewhere, smaller and more musical)
41. White-breasted Swallow – a few on wires en route, Bohol
42. Asian Glossy Starling – most frequented bird
43. Eurasian Tree Sparrow – common
44. Chestnut Munia - common
45. Philippine Drongo Cuckoo - many heard at RS