Splendid sunset at Kaengkrachan damm.

2 day trip to Petburi 21-22nd of September 2010
John and Gordon from Scotland did a short stop over on their way to Australia.
The goal was to see as many birds as possible in a gentle but steady pace.
J and G had never visited SEA before.
We played things by ear and visited several sites.
Khok Kham:
Someone had recently seen an over summering Spoon-billed Sandpiper here. When we got there it was low tide which meant birds had left for the mudflats.
The good news is that an extensive cemented boardwalk has now been put up at the mangroves and one can view the birds pretty good through a scope out there.
There were thousands of birds and with so many birds around and the waters retreating we had little chance of finding the Sandpiper. Still, for John and Gordon it meant some new waders: Red-necked Stint, Long-toed Stint, Lesser Sand Plover, Broad-billed Sandpiper being a few.
Mai Taeng Reservoir:
This is an excellent site for River Lapwing and Rain Quail.
We did get there a bit late and didn’t see the quail but we did get cracking views of the Lapwings and picked up many other open area birds.
King’s Project:
This mangrove research station is always full of birds. We got there late but revisited later in the afternoon. Many Pin-tailed Snipes were in full view at the experimental reed beds.

Lampakbia sandspit:
Several pair of Malaysian Plovers and 7 Pacific Reef Egrets. Too early for White-faced Plover and Chinese Egret.
A surprise was a Stork-billed Kingfisher in the mangroves on the way back.
Bahn Song Nok:
Ba Aek (Auntie Aek) is the name of the lady that for years have fed and kept an eye on birds on her property adjacent to forest covered hills.
We avoided rain and had a fabulous morning in her garden. Kalij Pheasent, Lesser and Greater Necklaced Laughingthrushes, Green-eared Barbet, Common Flameback,
Orange-breasted Flowerpecker, Yellow-vented Flowerpecker, Vinous-breasted Starlings, Banded Bay Cuckoo and Vernal Hanging Parakeets were some of the birds seen.

Bahn Maka:
This excellent resort has many interesting birds on the grounds besides good food and a bird feeder at the restaurant. The owner: Khun Gun is a keen photographer as well and information about local conditions can always be shared.
Some nice birds here around lunch time. Taiga FC, Black-naped Monarch, Abbott’s Babbler, Green-billed Malkoha, Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike, Crimson Sunbird,
White-rumped Shama, Small Minivet, Orange-breasted Flowerpecker and Striped Tit Babbler
John and George wanted an extension after the 2 days and so we visited a few sites in and around Bangkok.
Suang Luang (King’s Park)
Most noteworthy birds were the regular flock of Small Minivets.
Also a returning Asian Brown Flycatcher. Good place for Olive-backed and Brown-throated Sunbirds, Coppersmith Barbets and Paddyfield Pipit.

Bang Poo
This site is known for the big numbers of over wintering Brown-headed Gulls. The gulls haven’t arrived yet and we mainly went there for lunch and taking in the atmosphere. Some Blue-tailed Bee-eaters were probably the highlight in the pressing heat.
Muang Boran fishponds:
We spend only one hour here as it was midday but got all the target birds except for Striated Warbler that wasn’t calling: White-browed Crake and Bronze-winged and Pheasant-tailed Jacanas.

I then dropped off the Scots at the airport. I must say it was a very well spent time for them with loads of birds, good food, good transport, good weather as well as getting a touch of the local people and Thai culture.
1. Little Cormorant - plenty
2. Indian Shag – seen at 3 sites
3. Little Grebe – 1 in paddies, many at MB
4. Grey Heron – a few
5. Purple Heron - 2
6. Javan Pond Heron - common
7. Cattle Egret - common
8. Pacific Reef Egret – 7 at LPB
9. Little Egret - common
10. Intermediate Egret – 2 at LPB
11. Great Egret – common
12. Yellow Bittern – 1 MB
13. Little Heron - 5
14. Black-crowned Night Heron – several at mangroves
15. Painted Stork – 4 at LPB, a dozen at Bangpoo
16. Openbill - common
17. Spot-billed Pelican – 20 in flight over paddies in Petburi
18. Lesser Whistling Tree-duck – 200 at wetlands in Petburi, 2 MB
19. Brahimy Kite - common
20. White-bellied Sea-Eagle – 1 immature at Bahnsongnok
21. Japanese Sparrowhawk – 1 mobbing the Sea Eagle
22. Oriental Honey Buzzard – 4 over a hill at Bahnsongnok
23. Crested Serpent Eagle – Heard only
24. Kalij Pheasent – 4 females at BSN
25. Junglefowl – 6 at BSN
26. Scaly-breasted Partridge – Heard only
27. Rain Quail – Heard only
28. White-breasted Waterhen – a few here and there
29. Red-wattled Lapwing - common
30. River Lapwing – 4 at Mai Taeng Reservoir
31. Pacific Golden Plover – common at Khok Kham
32. Little Ringed Plover – many at LPB
33. Lesser Sand Plover – many at Khok Kham
34. Greater Sand Plover – many at LPB
35. Eurasian Curlew – 5 at Khok Kham
36. Whimbrel – 5 at Khok Kham
37. Black-tailed Godwit – 3 at Khok Kham
38. Spotted Redshank – 5 at KK
39. Common Redshank – 5 at KK
40. Common Greenshank – at KK
41. Marsh Sandpiper – KK and LPB, many
42. Wood Sandpiper – KK and LPB, many
43. Common Sandpiper - LPB
44. Terek Sandpiper – 2 at LPB sandspit
45. Ruddy Turnstone – 1 at LPB sandspit
46. Red-necked Stint – common at LPB
47. Temminck’s Stint – 1 at LPB
48. Long-toed Stint – common at LPB
49. Sanderling – 20 at LPB sandspit
50. Dunlin – 2 at Khok Kham
51. Curlew Sandpiper – several at BP and LPB
52. Broad-billed Sandpiper – 6 at Khok Kham
53. Ruff – 3 at LPB
54. Pintail Snipe – 6 at LPB
55. Oriental Pratincole – 1 MB, 4 paddies at Petburi
56. Black-winged Stilt - common
57. Common Tern - common
58. White-winged Tern – 1 only
59. Whiskered Tern - common
60. Little Tern - common
61. Pind-necked Pigeon – 1 on wire
62. Rock Pigeon - common
63. Spotted Dove - common
64. Red-collared Dove - common
65. Peaceful Dove - common
66. Vernal Hanging Parakeet – 3 at BSN
67. Banded Bay Cuckoo – 1 seen well at BSN
68. Asian Koel – a few
69. Greater Coucal - LPB
70. Green-billed Malkoha – 1 BSN
71. Large-tailed Nightjar – 1 at Gangpet restaurant Kaengkrachan on post
72. Common Kingfisher – 2 BP
73. Collared Kingfisher - common in mangroves
74. White-throated Kingfisher – a few here and there
75. Stork-billed Kingfisher – 1 surprise one at the mangroves on the way back from the sandspit
76. Green Bee-eater - common
77. Blue-tailed Bee-eater – many at BP
78. Indian Roller - common
79. Hoopoe – 2 at LPB
80. Pied Hornbill – 1 at Bahn Maka ( a wild one)
81. Coppersmith Barbet – many at Suan Luang
82. Lineated Barbet – Heard only
83. Green-eared Barbet – 1 at feeder BSN
84. Common Flameback – 1 at feeder BSN
85. Asian Palm Swift – many over fields in Petburi
86. Germain’s Swiftlet – common in Petburi
87. Barnswallow – common
88. Ashy Wood Swallow - common
89. Indo-chinese Bushlark – 1 at field
90. Paddyfield Pipit – common
91. Yellow Wagtail – LPB, Suan Luang
92. Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike – 2 at Bahn Maka
93. Small Minivet – 1 at BM, several at Suan Luang
94. Common Iora - common
95. Gold-fronted Leafbird – 2 at BSN
96. Streak-eared Bulbul - common
97. Sooty-headed Bulbul – a few
98. Black-crested Bulbul – 4 at BSN
99. Stripe-throated Bulbul – 3 at BSN
100. Black Drongo - a few in open areas
101. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo – 1 BSN
102. Hooded Oriole – Heard only
103. Racket-tailed Treepie – 2 LPB
104. Large-billed Crow - common
105. Puff-throated Babbler – Heard only
106. Abbott’s Babbler – 1 BM
107. Striped Tit Babbler – 1 BM
108. Large Scimitar Babbler – 1 at Bahnsongnok, came in briefly to a waterhole
109. Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush – 10 at BSN
110. Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush – 4 at BSN
111. Oriental Reed Warbler – 1 LPB, 2 MB
112. Arctic Warbler – 1 Bahn Maka
113. Rusty-rumbed Warbler – 1 in flight at fields
114. Plain Prinia - common
115. Grey-breasted Prinia – 2 at Mai Taeng Reservoir
116. Yellow-bellied Prinia – Heard only
117. Zitting Cisticola – 5 Mai Taend Reservoir
118. Common Tailorbird - common
119. Dark-necked Tailorbird – 2 BSN
120. Gold-bellied Gerygone – many at LPB
121. Magpie Robin - common
122. White-rumped Shama – 1 BSN, 1 BM
123. Taiga Flycatcher – 1 BM
124. Pied Fantail - common
125. Black-naped Monarch - BM
126. Brown Shrike - common
127. Asian Pied Starling - common
128. Common Myna - common
129. White-vented Myna - common
130. Vinous-breasted Starling – a pair at BSN
131. Crimson Sunbird – 1 BM
132. Olive-backed Sunbird - common
133. Brown-throated Sunbird – a few
134. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird – 1 at BM
135. Yellow-vented Flowerpecker – 2 at BSN
136. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker – common
137. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker – several at BM and BSN
138. Plain-backed Sparrow – 2 at Mai Taeng Reservoir
139. Eurasian Tree Sparrow - common
140. House Sparrow – found a roost with atleast 1000 birds near LPB
141. Asian Golden Weaver – 2, Petburi
142. Baya Weaver – 12, Petburi
143. Scaly-breasted Munia – common
144. Chestnut Munia – 2 at paddies Petburi
Did an add-on morning at Suan Luang, Bangpoo and Muang Boran….stopped at 14:00. Some additional sightings:
145. White-browed Crake -1 seen well at MB
146. Common Coot – 1 at MB
147. Bronze-winged Jacana – 1 at MB
148. Pheasent-tailed Jacana -3 at MB
149. Yellow-vented Bulbul – 2 at MB
150. Asian Brown Flycatcher – 1 at Suan Luang