Douglas Witt with wife and friends had toured Thailand and asked me to help them to get to Kaengkrachan. It worked out with my schedule and so off we went.
Got to Lampakbia in the late afternoon, low tide and hardly any waders around.
As usual though, the mangrove research station had good birds. The 20 some Ruffs seen here seem to not bother feeding at the mudflats and are ever present. Lovely birds with great variety in plumage between the sexes.
Kaengkrachan was a bit on the quiet side but a morning on the upper parts is always impressive. Dough was interested in details in all that he saw but the others had a more leisurely approach. In other words, there was something for everyone.
We did see two species of Hornbills, one Trogon, Necklaced Laughingthrushes, White-hooded Babblers a party of 4 Great Slaty Woodpeckers (quite some sight all working on the same branch) plus a lot of common birds.
On the way home I dropped by Lampakbia again and this time it was high tide with resultant gatherings of waders. Again, the research station proved excellent.
Pictures show Temminck's Stint, Ruff, Common KF, Chinese Pond-Heron, White-throated KF, Fairy bluebird,
Pied Hornbill, Sultan's Tit, Large Wood-Shrike and Pain-tailed Snipe.
I am not proficient in the layout of this blog so things are being displayed by the default of the program.