9th of January
Got a call from Philip Round in the afternoon on the 8th. 7 Grey-legged Geese had been seen at Beung Borapet, Nakorn Sawan since the 6th. Obtained permission from home to go along. Got to the place in the evening and stayed at the research station for waterfowl. Simple lodging.
Up early with a couple of people from the station who took us to where the birds had been seen. Unfortunately there were quite a number of farmers in the area and no matter how hard or long we tried we failed to find the geese.
Instead we saw huge flocks of ducks in the air. About 3000. Pintailed Duck, 3000 Gargeneys, small number of Eurasian Wigeon (2), Northern Shoveler (3), Common Teal (2) and presumably 1 Ferruginous Duck.
There were literally hundreds of Grey Herons around the lake. Maybe 4-500. Purple Herons were common, Purple Swamphen (100), 20000 Lesser Whistling Ducks flew up from floating vegetation as we drove by in a boat. Quite some site. Cotton Pygmy Geese were inbetween the Whistling Ducks. A few Spot-billed Pelicans was a great site to behold. A flying female Painted Snipe gave good views. A Peregrine Falcon worked its way across the wetlands. A single Eastern Marsh Harrier sought out prey in the fields.
Striated Warblers could be seen and heard with their musical songs. The whole lake was teeming with birds. Openbills, Jacana’s, Cormorants etc, etc. I must get back up there sometime. A consolation price was that I was able to tick off Common Coot for my Thai list.
It was a great opportunity for me to learn from Philip as he helped to sort out some Reed Warbler calls I was unclear about. Thank you!